
The workshop will consist of two phases. The first phase (roughly 2.5 days) will be devoted to studying the three themes of the workshop from various perspectives. Prominent scientists from a diverse array of disciplines and with diverse research commitments will present their insights on these and related subjects, or summarize their own research. Plenty of time will be allowed for discussions during sessions as well as for small group brainstorming during frequent and extended intermissions and learning tours. The second phase (roughly 2.5 days) will consist of separate working groups. Each small group will deal with one of the three workshop topics. The two goals proposed for each group are (1) in-depth discussion of the specific topic, and (2) to produce a preliminary title, abstract, a draft paper structure, and preliminary written sections, reviewing the current state of understanding in the respective topic (possibly describing the novel suggestions to be developed during the brain-storming phase).
Click here for the full program .